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Ariana Grande

"Don't ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life. It's too short, and you're too special." ~ Ariana Grande

Penelope was born 29th August 2022, and arrived at Little Oak Sanctuary on 29 September 2022.


Penelope was found at only a few days old when park rangers startled a herd of wild goats. Shortly afterwards little Penelope emerged from the bushes, now all alone. Sadly her Mum didn’t return, so Penelope was taken in and cared for very lovingly by the ranger and his partner.


After a few weeks passed, the couple realised they needed to find Penelope a home outside of suburbia, where she could make some goat friends and be safe for life, so they contacted Little Oak Sanctuary.


Although she was only a tiny goat kid on arrival, her huge personality was instantly apparent. Penelope is sassy, playful and incredibly brave.






Sponsor Penelope as a gift

Looking for a unique gift idea?  We offer Gift Sponsorships via a one off payment, perfect for an animal lover. 

Help Protect Goats

Goats are great characters! Did you know goats have accents that will change as they start to hang around with new friends?  In Australia, goats are commonly used for their meat, to produce goats milk or for fibre.  As farmed animals they are not protected by the same legislation as the dogs and cats we share our homes with, and as such they can fall victim to mistreatment.

When you sponsor a Little Oak goat you will be helping advocate for all goats. Your sponsorship will support Little Oak's essential advocacy work – sharing the stories of individual goats and the plight of their kind across the nation. 


Sponsor today, and we'll take you on a journey to learn more about goats through our regular updates - exclusive only to our monthly sponsors. We'll also keep you up to date on how your monthly gifts are helping to secure a brighter future for the goats at Little Oak, and their kind across Australia.

Your Contribution



Help provide vet treatment for rescue goats



Buys a bale of hay



Feeds the goats for a month

ACNC Registered Charity Tick.JPG

© Little Oak Sanctuary is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) organisation. ABN 13 957 855 464

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