"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood." ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Birth Date: 4 Aug 13 Arrival: 7 Apr 2014
Lucy is a gorgeous, sweet natured pig. A smaller breed than Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Piggy & Dr Seuss, Lucy was sold as a companion animal to a very loving family.
Lucy's family contacted us worried that she wasn't getting the stimulation that she needed. Pigs are one of the most intelligent, social animals on the planet and despite being very, very loved, and cared for, Lucy's family knew she needed more.
Pigs are adorably cute, especially as piglets. There is a growing trend for people selling these amazing creatures under the guise of them being 'mini' pigs - please beware, there is no such thing as a mini-pig in Australia.
There are smaller breeds but these still grow to up to 100kg, as mentioned they are smart - as smart as a three year old human child, very determined (where the expression pig headed comes from!) and very strong!
A bored pig is an unhappy pig, pigs need to be able to dig, root, wallow and nest. Digging is part of who and what pigs are, it is common to see nose rings or clips put in to their highly sensitive snouts as a means to try to stop them exhibiting this behaviour - this does not make for a happy pig - and is not always effective anyway. Lucy will have her nose clips out once she has settled in properly.
Pigs are truly amazing creatures and if you have the time, space and capacity to care for one (or more) for 10-15 years and would like to share your life with one, please try and rehome one rather than buying one from a breeder (just as we would recommend you do with dogs and cats!). Adopting a pig is a very serious commitment, if you would like to discuss what it involves before making the commitment please drop us a line!
Lucy is a truly delightful, fun loving lady who has become very good friends with Pablo Pigcasso in just a manner of days.
Sponsor a Pig
Pigs are the flagship species for Little Oak – indeed it was a pig who inspired us to start the sanctuary and of all animals, they hold a very special significance to us. Pigs are amazing beings, they are smart, funny characters, sadly we rarely get to see them as the individuals they are. Today, over 5 million pigs are confined in sheds across the country each year. Their lives are short and filled with suffering - but it doesn't have to be this way.
When you sponsor a pig you will be helping protect pigs. Your sponsorship will support Little Oak's essential advocacy work – sharing the stories of individual pigs and the plight of their kind across the nation.
Sponsor today, and we'll take you on a journey to learn more about pigs through our regular updates - exclusive only to our monthly sponsors. We'll also keep you up to date on how your monthly gifts are helping to secure a brighter future for the pigs at Little Oak, and their kind across Australia.
Your contribution

Buys a bag of feed for the pigs

Feed a pig for a month

Provides food and vet care for pigs in our care