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Lucky Lago

"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight." - Albert Schweitzer

Born 7 November 2012  Arrived 2014

In 2014 the Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses received a phone call from a racehorse owner.


His trainer had told him his racehorse, a two year old was ‘no good’. It was time to get rid of him. Never raced, a decision was made to send him to the ‘doggers’.


This beautiful ‘nameless’ 2YO gelding did nothing wrong. He simply wasn’t cut out for horse racing. Many aren’t. In fact somewhere between 50 and 70% of horses bred for racing are just like “Lucky Lago” (as he is now called).


They just aren’t fast enough or have the temperament for horse racing. He is the grandson to Encosta DeLago - his breeding is impeccable. But there’s no guarantees in horse racing. He cost $40,000, but now his only worth was the going rate per kilo of horse flesh.


Little Oak Sanctuary was contacted and we arranged to go pick this young boy up.   He was terrified, his whole body shaking when loaded into the horse trailer.  On arrival at the sanctuary and going over him, it was clear through the scars and marks on his body that he had experienced some severely rough treatment, and as a result he was very nervous and reactive, biting and kicking at  anyone who went near him.  With care and gentle treatment, Lucky is learning to trust people again, but his psychological scars will remain for life and he can still be quite unpredictable.


He was given the name Lucky Lago as he is indeed, one of the very few lucky horses bred into the race industry that make it out alive, Lucky still carries the physical and emotional scars of his short time in the racing industry, although these are fading with time.  Lucky is an incredibly curious, playful personality.  His spirit and love of life make him the very unique character we have come to know and love.


You can help Lucky by never betting on horse racing, and you can sponsor Lucky and his friends below.

Help Protect Horses

Horses are majestic, powerful yet incredibly sensitive animals.  Sadly they are also some of the most frequently neglected and discarded of animals.  The Australian racing industry sends over 10,000 horses to their deaths each year, they are used in rodeos and to pull carts for tourists. 

When you sponsor a Little Oak horse you will be helping protect horses. Your sponsorship will support Little Oak's essential advocacy work – sharing the stories of individual horses and the plight of their kind across the nation. 


Sponsor today, and we'll take you on a journey to learn more about horses through our regular updates - exclusive only to our monthly sponsors. We'll also keep you up to date on how your monthly gifts are helping to secure a brighter future for the horses at Little Oak, and their kind across Australia.

Your donation



Feeds a horse for a week



Provide hoof and preventative health care for a horse for a month



Covers the cost of hoof care for a month




Sponsor Lucky as a gift

Looking for a unique gift idea?  We offer Gift Sponsorships via a one off payment, perfect for an animal lover. 

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© Little Oak Sanctuary is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) organisation. ABN 13 957 855 464

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