Leaving a gift in your will/Bequests
Gifts in Wills
A gift in your Will is a simple and powerful way to provide ongoing support to the causes you are passionate about.
Types of gifts
There are many ways you can leave a gift in your Will. A solicitor or other qualified professional can help you make the choice that’s right for you. Some options include:
Residuary bequest
A gift of whatever is left of your estate (or a percentage thereof) after you have made gifts to family and friends. As it is not a specific amount of money, it keeps its value regardless of inflation.
Pecuniary bequest
This is a gift of a set dollar amount determined by you at the time of making or changing your Will.
Specific bequest
A gift of a specific item, such as property or shares.
Suggested wording:
Residuary bequest
I give ______ percent of the residue of my estate to Little Oak Sanctuary Incorporated of GPO Box 2116 CANBERRA ACT 2601 for its general purposes and the receipt of the Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary or the Public Officer for the time being will be an absolute discharge to my executor.
Pecuniary bequest
I give $______ to Little Oak Sanctuary Incorporated of GPO Box 2116 CANBERRA ACT 2601 for its general purposes and the receipt of the Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary or the Public Officer for the time being will be an absolute discharge to my executor.
Specific bequest
I give [describe asset accurately] to Little Oak Sanctuary Incorporated of GPO Box 2116 CANBERRA ACT 2601 for its general purposes and the receipt of the Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary or the Public Officer for the time being will be an absolute discharge to my executor.
Organisation details
Once you have decided on the type of gift you wish to leave, your solicitor or other qualified professional will need the following legal details.
Legal name: Little Oak Sanctuary Incorporated
ABN: 13 957 855 464
Address: GPO Box 2116 CANBERRA ACT (If you require our street address please email us)